5 Ways Snow Damages Your Flat Roof

As winter graces us with its enhancing beauty, transforming landscapes into a serene wonderland, it’s essential to appreciate the magic while safeguarding our homes.
A poorly maintained flat roof can be vulnerable to the adverse effects of winter, especially heavy snowfall. In this blog, we discuss FIVE ways your flat roof may be affected by the snow this winter.
1. Weight and Structural Load
Accumulated snow adds significant weight to the roof, potentially exceeding its load-bearing capacity. The excess weight can lead to structural damage, including sagging or, in extreme cases, collapse.
2. Ice Dams
Melted snow can freeze at the roof’s edges forming ice dams. These dams prevent proper drainage, causing water to pool and potentially seep beneath roofing materials. This can result in leaks and water damage to the interior.
3. Leaks and Water Damage
As snow melts, water can find its way into any existing cracks, seams or vulnerable areas on the roof. Over time, this infiltration can lead to leaks, compromising the integrity of the roofing system.
4. Membrane Punctures
Sharp ice or debris in the snow can puncture the roofing membrane, especially if it’s aged or weakened. This damage allows water to penetrate the roof, leading to leaks and potential structural issues.
5. Material Expansion and Contraction
Fluctuations in temperature can cause roofing materials to expand and contract. Over time, this movement can lead to the breakdown of seams, joins, and connections, making the roof more susceptible to water infiltration.
Therefore, your flat roof plays a major role in protecting your home. Neglecting its maintenance can expose your property to the harsh impacts of heavy snow, from leaks to structural stress.
At Pinnacle Exteriors, we’re here to fortify your roof for the season. Call us at (484) 350-6829 to ensure your home weathers winter beautifully.